Montanez 1031 Exchange Services
Montanez 1031 facilitates 1031 exchanges through Exchange Manager ProSM, a patented
1031 exchange workflow technology that’s supported by one of the nation’s leading Qualified
Intermediaries. Our clients can now use a highly competent and qualified 1031 exchange intermediary without the hassle of searching for one in the marketplace.
Benefits of Montanez 1031
• In-House Coordination: We help coordinate the 1031 exchange through our team, reducing
friction and increasing efficiencies.
• Software Workflow: Patented 1031 software, Exchange Manager ProSM, keeps clients and
advisors informed of transaction timelines, funds available, and other pertinent information
throughout the 1031 exchange.
• 1031 Exchange Expertise: Montanez 1031 provides access to attorneys with subject
matter expertise and seasoned Certified Exchange Specialists® (CES®).
• Security of Funds: Have confidence in the security of your exchange funds with insurance
coverage amounts found only among the largest exchange facilitators in the industry, including:
$50 million Fidelity Bond, $25 million Errors & Omissions, and $20 million Cyber Liability.